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CLICK TRACK: Your new source of everything music and industry.

Actualizado: 26 jul 2022

You know those nights when you're rolling around in bed at 3 in the morning, you're just uncomfortable, unable to sleep... maybe a little bit anxious about the future, or because there's something important coming up that is taking up 90% of your brain, or you have a sudden desire to rearrange your entire apartment and an unexplainable urge to change your life right then and there, or maybe, like me, you're thinking about things you've been wanting to do for a long time that you still haven't gotten into? Well, that was me last night.

I have been dreaming of starting a music blog since the pandemic, reviewing every album or virtual concert that came out during a time where the music industry faced its biggest crisis probably since the invention of Napster. But, for some reason, I kept putting it off. Well, not some reason. I actually know the reason: fear of people thinking "Who's this girl and why does she think she can talk about this? What has she done to be in this position?". Ugh. I really wish I cared less about people's opinions. I was stupidly paralyzed by this fear for almost two years, until last night.

Last night, in that strange whirlwind of impetus that took upon me, I decided that I would start this blog today. On a summer Monday, in a time in my life where I actually have the time to investigate, read, and write; when massive music festivals are making a comeback after 2020; when so much is going on in the music industry that I can have material to talk about for days; and one week before the release of Beyoncé's next album. And what about my credibility? Who am I to be talking about the music industry? Let me tell you, my credits don't fall short: I am a Berklee College of Music alumna, a music industry professional, a film composer, an orchestra conductor, and a successful songwriter. I am constantly listening to new music, playing music editor by creating playlists for every mood I ever feel, and learning and educating myself every day about this ever-changing business. The business I have dedicated my time and life to. So here, I'll write about everything: from the latest in the music publishing who-owns-who's-catalog-now, to album reviews, to how to throw the best album release parties. I'll be letting you know, since obviously I'm planning one for this Friday's Queen B release.

What you can expect reading in the following days:

  1. META's music royalties and payments mess and how they're trying to 'fix it'.

  2. Macklemore's Instagram post about being an artist now vs five years ago.

  3. Renaissance Act 1 release party and review.

And the name for this new blog, Click Track, I'm sure you have already guessed the reason for it: everything starts with a song. There would be no music industry without the music. And the first thing you set up in your DAW before you even write a note is, that's right, the click track, the beginning of the music industry value chain. I hope this post is the beginning of something wonderful, too.

Thanks for reading!


Nicole for Click Track

Click Track, the new music blog by Nicole Marie Dillman

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