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enedé art

"Every time I've had a problem, I've confronted it with the ax of art." - Yayoi Kusama

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Enedé Art is a concept created to separate, keep records, and archive Nicole Marie's different artistic outlets and processes. As a student at Escuela SUR, she has developed new abilities and broadened her mind towards new creative processes completely different and alien to her.  Still, with curiosity as her prime motor, Nicole Marie keeps creating and pursuing a life in art.

Below are her first works produced under this brand

ENEDÉ ART at madrid design festival

The project "Memorias Sonoras" came from Nicole Marie's desire to do a sensorial art piece, one that would be engaging and interactive, other than the visual aspect. The outcome consisted of four musical landscape compositions that were recording using day-to-day items like different types of papers, food wrappings, and even the sound of crackers as they crumble. 

The four landscapes composed were inspired by the artist's own auditory memories: the Caribbean waters of her native Panama, the warmth of a fire in the California mountains, the rustling of autumn leaves in Boston, and a late night thunderstorm in Madrid.

No visual element was included in this installation, so that the visitor could see before them their own memories triggered by the artist's.

enedé editorials

"Music in Color" is a poster-object-magazine with graphics that visually represent the sounds of selected songs curated into a perfect playlist based on songs inside "Album of the Year" nominees on the 63th Grammy Awards.  The project is a 31.4 cm x 31.4 cm vinyl sleeve with a QR code on the back, which, when scanned, will take you to a Spotify playlist containing the eight songs from which the graphics are inspired, for the user to delve into while getting lost in music.

Nicole Marie Dillman Music in Color Art Artist Enedé Panama
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Nicole Marie Dillman Music in Color Escuela SUR Artist Art Editorial Enedé
Nicole Marie Dillman Music in Color Artist Art Panama Madrid Escuela SUR Artist Art Editorial
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ENEDÉ interventions

"Reconquista" is a site-specific intervention made using natural materials found on site. The chosen space was Zapadores, Ciudad del Arte, an arts center located on the outskirts of Madrid. What interested Nicole the most were the holes in the ceiling, where she wondered what had happened, what had been there, what had possibly lived there. With this idea, Nicole Marie walked around Zapadores in search of interesting leaves, branches, flowers, and hay to hang from the ceiling and cover the holes, imagining they had been there long before Zapadores even existed. "Reconquista", "reconquer" in Spanish, brings the outside nature indoors, where it has always belonged.

ENEDÉ content creation

"FEMMES" is a digital art and social media engagement experiment that brings to light the names and works of seventeenth-century female painters and muses. In a meme format and using the work of female painters as images, and music and pop culture phrases, specifically Reggaetón, as captions, the names of women artists lost to men throughout the history of art slowly but surely regain their credits and notoriety.


The use of Reggaetón lines is carefully considered and more related to the genre's original themes of female defamation, sexualization, and objectification. In "FEMMES", Nicole Marie attempts to reclaim that narrative imposed on females, by associating the works and names of female artists and muses to the genre that, although not as before, still finds mainstream success with lyrics and themes about female derogation, just like men used to do to female artists in the seventeenth century.

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