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"Stay curious" - Pharrell Williams

Nicole Marie Dillman about

Nicole Marie Dillman is a Panamanian singer, songwriter, actress, and playwright.  A dancer and performer since a young age, Nicole Marie is the happiest when she is on a stage in full costume with butterflies in her belly.


After graduating from Berklee College of Music, she moved to Los Angeles, California where she worked as a film composer, before falling back into her original musical passion: songwriting.  Since then, she has written and co-written songs with and for artists like Stephen Puth, Latin Grammy nominee Grettel Garibaldi, Joey Montana, and Yahaira Plasencia, whom Billboard named one of Peru's rising stars in 2020, as well as working with 11x Latin Grammy-winner, producer Sergio George.   


Nicole Marie is also an award-winning playwright, having won the "Hollywood Encore! Producers Award" for her debut comedy, "First Dates", during the 2018 Hollywood Fringe Festival.  More recently, in 2020, she was one of five winners of the DECA International Playwriting Competition, which she won with her first original comedy in the Spanish language, "Hay Gato Encerrado". The play was also nominated for Panama's theatre awards, "Premios Escena 2022" under the "Best Original Script" and "Best Original Comedy" categories.


In April 2022, her original comedy pilot "Life in La La" was awarded an Honorable Mention in the Big Apple Film Festival Screenwriting Competition. 


Nicole Marie is currently living in Madrid and eating churros con chocolate while she keeps working on music and theatre.  She has recently completed a Master's in Fine Arts from Escuela SUR and keeps exploring her artistic and creative potential in as many ways as possible.

5 fun facts:

- Favorite color: yellow

- Favorite dessert: the most chocolatey item available

- Favorite season: Summer

- Favorite cities: Boston and Vienna

- Is definitely scared of pigeons


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